This is hard to replicate, and most counterfeiters just use a normal straight stitch. Notice that the topstitching on most of Prada’s bag styles is slightly angled. The topstitching on most Prada bags is slightly angled Original Prada purses showcase perfect, even stitches done with a sturdy thread which should be the same color as the bag’s leather. One of the telltale signs of a counterfeit Prada bag is messy, uneven stitching. Be mindful of the texture and weight of the bags you purchase. Fake Prada bags will display excessively bright and shiny hues while original ones would have smooth and even coloration.īecause of the cheap materials used, counterfeit designer bags also tend to feel heavier than originals. Pay close attention to the colors in printed styles. Prada clutches will not display excessively bright and shiny hues Regardless of the style - classic, ruched, printed, or studded - the leather used on these purses is distinctly rich and supple. Prada purses are made from the highest quality calf leather Fake leather may look real from afar but it feels rigid and stiff to the touch. The leather should feel luxuriousĪuthentic Pradas are made from the highest quality calf leather, which should feel soft to the touch. The printed lining should match or complement the bag’s exterior color 6.

Some bags feature Nappa leather lining, which exhibits a more modern finish. However, not all styles have this printed lining.

The color of the printed lining should match or complement the bag’s exterior color. Also, the bag’s lining showcases a pattern that displays the Prada name horizontally. The interior of a genuine Prada bag typically has as much detail as its exterior. The lining is embossed fabric or genuine leather These brands should be engraved somewhere on the back of the hardware. Authentic Prada bags use zippers from Lampo, Ykk, Riri, Opti, and Ipi. The engraved brand name, always in bold and capitalized letters, is placed on hardware like buckles, zippers, metal feet, locks, and buttons. These should have brand name engravings that are properly spaced and readable. Genuine bags will display high-quality hardware that can be gold-plated or stainless steel. The hardware is critical in determining the authenticity of a Prada bag Some counterfeited purses use cheap zippers and hardware that are prone to discoloration. The hardware is critical in determining the authenticity of a Prada bag.
Some non-leather styles feature the leather patch on the interior instead of the ceramic plaque. Newer styles, however, will have only two lines that read “Prada Made in Italy.” Older styles display “Prada Milano Made in Italy” done in three lines. The inside should have an interior plaqueĪside from the exterior logo plaque, Prada bags also have an interior plaque, which design may differ depending on the bag’s style. Some styles do not have the inverted triangle logo but instead have the words Prada Milano displayed.Ĭheck that the kerning or spacing is consistent and the font used is the same in all the other brand markings all over the bag. The color of the plaque should match the color of the bag’s leather. Prada’s logo includes an inverted triangle Genuine Prada bags should have logo plaques that are clearly readable, evenly placed, and secured on the leather. Prada’s logo, which includes the inverted triangle, is one of the most distinguishable designer logos. Some counterfeiters can also replicate the dust bag and authenticity card, but fake replicas will typically have low-quality prints with uneven spacing and discoloration. Your bag should also come with care booklets and a sealed authenticity card showing the bag’s serial number and style information. Lily Allen exiting a Prada store in London on December 19, 2008 The font used on the dustbag print should be consistent with the Prada fonts used all throughout the bag.

Most Prada bags come in a soft flannel or silky dust bag with the Prada logo printed on the front, though there are very few exceptions. If you have been wanting to get your hands on an authentic bag from the Italian luxury fashion house, the websites below are the most popular stores to buy them online.ĥ. If you’re thinking of ordering a bag from a third-party site, make sure you know you’re getting the real thing. In November 2019, Prada handbags and other luxury purses worth over $2.2 million were seized at Washington Dulles International Airport. Unfortunately, counterfeiters make a lot of money by creating fake Prada bags. Cahier Leather Shoulder Bag, $2,950 at Farfetch Prada clutches usually start at around $300 while regular handbags usually cost more than $1,000.

While they come with hefty price tags, these purses are well worth the investment. Prada bags, known for their classic aesthetics that never go out of style, are unsurprisingly some of the most popular designer bags in the world.